Our Mission
“Making Disciples for Jesus Christ in the World, by being God’s Love in Action”
Our Vision
To be “a community of heart and soul” by living out the gospel command to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
We are…
…an inquisitive five-year-old with cardboard wings and a pipe cleaner halo, singing “Silent Night” at Christmas. / We are comforting arms bringing words of hope and hugs to an infant in the hospital. / We are listeners and hand holders for those in our covenant care community. / We are teenagers in Piedras Negras, Mexico, far from home, helping others to have better lives. / We are ordinary lay people serving God’s extraordinary people in New Orleans, Mexico and China. / We are servants of the homeless, offering nourishment with a smile and a kind word. / We are welcoming hearts for those with special needs. / We are hands held and tears shed at the bedside of loved ones. / We are a house, built for those who’ve never had one. / We are laughter and singing; meditation and study.
We are God’s love in action.